

Favorite films

  • Come and See
  • Chungking Express
  • See the Sea
  • City of God

Recent activity

  • Little Black Submarines


  • Minimalist Shark Horror Movie

  • Ramen Sucker Punch


  • Drowning in Potential


Recent reviews

  • Dreamlogic



    Tonally perfect, with some amazing visuals and sounds design. Beautiful cinematography too. Not sure if there was any additional meaning I didn’t pick up on, but I’m gonna watch it again a bunch of times anyway!

  • Little Black Submarines

    Little Black Submarines


    This was a whole lot of fun from start to end, and it was perfectly paced. There are a couple scenes in particular that really take it to the next level. And I love the yellow sweatshirt!

Popular reviews

  • Withdrawn



    Withdrawn is one of my favorite films from the last few years. I've read a lot of things about it, both good and bad. Many have complained that it's boring and nothing happens. I've read that it's painful to watch, which I believe was in reference to the main character's depressingly realistic situation. And I've read that the cinematography is great. For me, the beauty of Withdrawn is its structure. We see scene after scene of this character, both when…

  • Black Dog

    Black Dog


    This was an interesting film. I liked almost everything about it, but I felt like the filmmakers did two things particularly well. First, the performances were fully convincing. A lot of the time with low budget films like this one the directors are also the actors, and they end up playing roles they are not suited for, or they get their friends to play roles they are not suited for. Sometimes they'll play versions of themselves, which usually seems to…
