Deleting tags…
- wif jack 83
- in theat 81
- family movie night 50
- wif hannah 47
- wif kayla 17
- wif michael 15
- wif fam 11
- christmat 10
- w mohamed 7
- wif alex 7
- <3 6
- netflixpartee 6
- wif mom 6
- friendsgiving 5
- wif nick 5
- covidcation 4
- wif rents 4
- movies watched while writing my thesis 3
- sobbed 3
- absolutely destroyed me 2
- best movie ever made 2
- cried three times 2
- fall begins 2
- i just couldnt take it. sorry im human. 2
- im sorry to log this 2
- jennifer carried 2
- pain 2
- sandman<3 2
- such a giggle fest 2
- tonsil fest 2
- wif alexa 2
- wif eliana 2
- yeah......yeah. 2
- 8th grade but for boys
- 93 mustve been a dry year for the oscars........
- agatha bests me again.....
- agony
- all vibes. no plot
- allan and weird barbie are nonbinary representation...?
- alt review is about the troll character that fears his own death
- amazing and horrible
- and the garbage can
- and they slayed
- ate
- bad but saw it at the same time as my mom so <3 slay
- batshit fucking crazy
- beat worst movie ever
- best christmas movie ever
- best xmas movie ever made
- better than i remember
- birfday
- brain candy
- but fun!!
- but i keep coming back for more
- but i love paul!
- childhood staple
- choose ur fighter bigot vape-addicted cardinal or chill af [redacted] cardinal
- comfort book to comfort movie pipeline
- cozy
- cried my eyes out about boyhood once again
- daisy i love you girl but . flop
- david .... ❤️
- drunk watch
- dumb fun
- elf and flip smart phone sponsorship
- english major representation
- extremely sacred
- first time
- first watch ever
- flops a little im sorry
- forced hannah to watch
- fucked me up good
- fucking insane but addictive
- geethika's picks
- good. yall are just haters
- guessed 2/3 of the puzzle
- hey um im sobbing
- highway to the danger zone
- hit too hard actually
- honorable mention to ruffalos accent making me want to jump off a bridge also
- horrific even
- housewarming
- i actually laughed out loud
- i did play super mario 3d world for the second half of this movie
- i knew full well the premise also
- i see no point in living if i cant be beautiful
- if u know u know how important this is to me
- im begging...
- im too dumb to get why everyone is obsessed
- in my top favorites
- insane choice. worse than che diaz
- it tried
- it was cute you guys are just mean
- it's camp
- jo coded and its wearing my psyche down
- julia is my destiny idk
- justin bartha leading man comeback when.....
- kathleen's recs!
- keanu💓💖💞💖💓
- kind of
- kinda sad i didnt love it
- lifechanging
- logging late
- love u
- marisa tomei impression scene ate
- masterpiece
- merry christmas
- miles.
- motherhood......
- movie nite
- multifactor authentication would also dismantle this movie
- my cooking era incoming
- needed now more than ever
- never flops
- oh ok so got to a kinda transphobic part ... maybe not best of all time..
- omfg
- once again im darcy coded. getting embarassing
- palpable fall vibes
- peter dinklage stannies rise.
- plane watch