phew how depressing.
extreme iphone isolation done well in this realist look at lonely, late capitalist lives.
phew how depressing.
extreme iphone isolation done well in this realist look at lonely, late capitalist lives.
Cried lots at this Bridget!
Actually pretty lovely and some funny moments, but unfortunately none of them featured bridget.
Renee actually gives a great performance with the children and the grief etc (hence the crying) But when she’s bridgeting around to poorly written gags it’s more like she’s doing a parody of Bridget Jones than embodying a real person. The bits about the zip, which becomes a tryingly neat callback later, feels cribbed off twitter - as do a few…
sweeping and epic, in everything from the soundscape to the camera work to the run time.
One of those films where every department put their all because the sound design was great, the costuming was exquisite (some gorgeous looks for Brody, and wonderful contrasts in european vs american power suiting, i’m thinking of the scene with joe alwyn and brody discussing the niece) and the direction was deliberate.
Loved that they weren’t afraid to experiment with modes of shooting, the…
Mescal and Scott look gorgeous on screen together, and I would have happily watched a whole film of them together in the apartment, but alas the rest of the film flopped a bit for me.
I found the scenes with Scott and his parents actually quite stilted and just “do you remember the. time Xyz” “yeah it was the day we XYZ” and then veering into slightly overwrought emotional bits that didn’t land for me.
But both the leads have big shiny eyes and great face acting. I believe their love