

Favorite films

  • Pokémon: The First Movie
  • Wreck-It Ralph
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Coco

Recent activity

  • La La Land


  • Turning Red


  • Evolution


  • Star Trek: Section 31

Recent reviews

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind


    Thoroughly enjoyed the last 20 minutes or so of the movie, but the build-up felt a bit slow. Not terribly slow, but I did lose interest here and there. A few comedic moments spread throughout were enough to keep me engaged, though, and it was ultimately worth it for the payoff.

    Not to be a "*pushes up glasses* nerd," but as a music major, I really loved the solfege and music theory terminology used throughout the movie and its accuracy. Really hit that "music is the language of the universe" spot in my heart for me :)

  • Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos the Movie Part 1

    Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos the Movie Part 1


    Easily the best addition to the Sailor Moon Crystal franchise. While a lot of the previous remake seasons/movies have been subpar or okay at best imo, this truly captures the stakes and keeps you at the edge of your seat every second. They do try to cram a lot in into a short hour and a half, but I think it fits well for the purpose of a movie, plus it's only part 1 of 2. I arguably enjoy this…

Popular reviews

  • Scream 2

    Scream 2


    A few boring moments that made it not quite as good as the first, but also not *THAT* big of an issue. For the most part, it executed it's horror elements about as good as the first did, and honestly the comedy might have been even better this time around. Alright movie, don't know whether to look forward to the next four or not lol

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


    I appreciated the first film in this trilogy for its stunning visuals and endearing characters. I definitely favor story, however, and felt that the first movie lacked a bit in that area, so I ended up not enjoying it quite as much as my peers seemed to. This movie, however, changed that.

    The visuals are just as stunning as the first, if not more so, and they manage to develop characters from the first movie who I already liked quite…
