Ellie M

Ellie M

34 year old Alaskan born trans girl living in Connecticut. I've become a Gerry defender, so even I don't know what my taste is anymore.

Favorite films

  • The Lure
  • Blade Runner
  • Inside Llewyn Davis
  • Bound

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Adult Best Friends


  • Almost Famous


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I like Man's Inhumanity To Man sci-fi allegories, but they always leave an odd taste in my mouth. Not necessarily a bad one, but an odd one; How are we supposed to be surprised that the Replicants in Blade Runner are treated badly by the system, when a lot of people have massive amounts of trouble treating each other well?

    Mickey 17 comes to the startlingly easy conclusion that the best way is to make the sci-fi allegory for humans…

  • Adult Best Friends

    Adult Best Friends


    Seen at Tribeca Film Festival:

    It's kind of weirdly ironic that the first film I saw at Tribeca 2024 to get a wide US release (albeit a small VOD one) is also the least of them. It's not that there's anything wrong with it, per say, there's just also not much to it. A reasonably interesting idea about codependence being shattered in the face of an outside relationship solidifying buried under the weight of the expectations to be a wacky…

Popular reviews

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    The Fanatic


    This movie is, without doubt, the movie that made me laugh the hardest of any movie I've seen in 2019.

    It is not a comedy.

  • Godzilla: King of the Monsters

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters


    The venn diagram of "What I Want From A Movie Entitled Godzilla King of the Monsters" and "What This Movie Gave Me" is a circle.
