

so amc a list actually pays for itself if you only see two movies a month-

Favorite films

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • West Side Story
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Alien

Recent activity

  • Boxcar Bertha


  • Ant-Man and the Wasp


  • The Martian


  • Opus


Recent reviews

  • Boxcar Bertha

    Boxcar Bertha


    2025- 77

    it’s weird seeing the hints at scorsese-isms in a movie that doesn’t feel like one of his at all. pretty interesting, just a little boring

  • Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Ant-Man and the Wasp


    2025- 76

    i guess in hindsight, it can definitely be worse than this. just painfully bland and unexciting.

Popular reviews

  • The Martian

    The Martian


    2025- 75

    there were so many points in the movie where i would turn to jack and we’d be like “he did that for 100 days straight????” and we would have to be reminded that this is in fact fiction and they did not actually send matt damon to mars.

  • Spider-Man



    “i love superheroes. i also think they’re the dumbest thing that ever existed” -james gunn

    superheroes are an innately silly concept. it is about people who put on goofy costume to go fight the bad guys. the best superhero movies are the ones that acknowledge this and celebrate it, not talk down and minimize it. this movies does that.

    as someone who has read nearly 3,000 comic books, i can say with a certain level of authority that superheroes are…