It’s like if marvel movies where actually good…..
And no I didn’t understand most of the logistics of the dreams but tbh don’t give a fuck cause why would I want to be bored by that
I know nothing ab mad max still know nothing about mad max except this is a loud movie so many explosions shoutout Sean mills you did great I hyped to see u on screen brotha😁😁😁😁 if this is ur type of movie than it’s prob a masterpiece j too loud for me trying to sleep at theatre I’ve had two drinks a milkshake popcorn gummy bears need #dinner I honestly found this so confusing and had no emotional connection to any character also hate the desert
What is this stupid genre of unexplained questions with the backdrop of a perfectly furnished unhomely house and ominous script writing with the most uncreative cinematography and a weird blue tint over everything and characters that hate eachother and post 9/11 racism but also tries to be “woke” and annoying teenage characters who act like smart a***es and bad CGI and the middle of the woods and super nice cars in perfect condition that sponsored the movie. It’s a no, Ethan hawke is a yes