Elise Cornelis

Elise Cornelis

I love good, bad films, ya know?

Favorite films

  • Someone Great
  • All the Beauty and the Bloodshed
  • Dirty Dancing
  • Normal People

Recent activity

  • Someone Great


  • Mary Queen of Scots


  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire


  • 1883


Recent reviews

  • Someone Great

    Someone Great


    The letter and "I know I said we gotta be our own people, but shit, I'm not even a person without you." does it for me.

  • Mary Queen of Scots

    Mary Queen of Scots


    I found this a beautiful but also really painful movie to watch. The way Mary had no control at the end was devastating to me.
    Saoirse Ronan did a magnificent job once again, I loved seeing her in a role like this.

Popular reviews

  • The Rider

    The Rider


    I loved this movie, it was so beautiful in every aspect: the cinematography, the acting, the photography, etc. I loved the way it portrays the modern 'Wild West' in such an honest way. It's not this exciting and fun place that Hollywood makes you believe it is. It is a painful and hard way of life.

    It's also very impressive to think that this was shot with people who didn't really have any acting background and a crew of 7 or 8 people.

  • A Work of Fiction

    A Work of Fiction


    Loved this short film, so beatiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It made me think of my grandparents, would've loved to see this movie win at the shortfilm festival.
