i love bill hader
this is better than paul
didn’t get assaulted 5 stars
5 big booms
Ava ranking all the John Mulaney specials (iconic behaviour) reminded me that these are on letterboxd and i can publicly express my love for him😭. credit to Miss Ava herself
Love a bit of dark comedy and making light out of very shit times, so ofc this is very much up my street. A really good show and my heart just breaks for him for what all he’s been through. Comedically, amazing and so funny.
okay not going to lie i watched this for Jason Sudeikis again… BUT this film was actually very good, i did get clickbaited by it’s more comedic trailer, however i will never pass down a sad film. Jason being in a film that focuses around having issues with his father, ticked all the boxes for me!! The story was good, felt slightly dragged at points but meh whatever. You know what’s going to happen as you watch it, with a…