

Favorite films

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Recent reviews

  • The Corruptor

    The Corruptor


    I counted 3 Third Eye Blind songs in this. Memories.

    Edit: Adding on half a star due to that fact.

  • To Catch a Thief

    To Catch a Thief


    Everything is nice to look at.....but, that's about it. Makes me wish I could time-travel back to 1950s French Riviera.

    You would think this film would have more to it...when it's actually quite boring. The first 50mins I was tuned in and after that it all just went downhill from there, even though Grace is in it more around this spot.

Popular reviews

  • The Whale

    The Whale


    Just got back home from watching this at VIFF in Vancouver, BC.

    Brendan Fraser excels in playing Charlie, a 600lb recluse. Even under that fat suit, you can still see his boyish good looks, charm, and sensitive eyes. The first time seeing his "well-rounded" character in all his entirety in the flick, it was a bit shocking. We've only seen that 1 movie still of his face online and in articles, no official trailer as of yet (Oct 2nd) and…

  • Deadly Friend

    Deadly Friend


    Had always heard of this growing up, but I've finally watched it thanks to the new Scream Factory release.

    I like how the first 50mins just basically sets up the story and characters (I was even this PG-13 or R), but then the first nightmare arrives and the dad is splashing and spouting blood all over Kristy Swanson! I remember having a huge scrush on her from Buffy in the early 90s.

    Then this gets into R territory with…
