I counted 3 Third Eye Blind songs in this. Memories.
Edit: Adding on half a star due to that fact.
I counted 3 Third Eye Blind songs in this. Memories.
Edit: Adding on half a star due to that fact.
Everything is nice to look at.....but, that's about it. Makes me wish I could time-travel back to 1950s French Riviera.
You would think this film would have more to it...when it's actually quite boring. The first 50mins I was tuned in and after that it all just went downhill from there, even though Grace is in it more around this spot.
Just got back home from watching this at VIFF in Vancouver, BC.
Brendan Fraser excels in playing Charlie, a 600lb recluse. Even under that fat suit, you can still see his boyish good looks, charm, and sensitive eyes. The first time seeing his "well-rounded" character in all his entirety in the flick, it was a bit shocking. We've only seen that 1 movie still of his face online and in articles, no official trailer as of yet (Oct 2nd) and…
Had always heard of this growing up, but I've finally watched it thanks to the new Scream Factory release.
I like how the first 50mins just basically sets up the story and characters (I was even thinking...is this PG-13 or R), but then the first nightmare arrives and the dad is splashing and spouting blood all over Kristy Swanson! I remember having a huge scrush on her from Buffy in the early 90s.
Then this gets into R territory with…