

Favorite films

  • Moonlight
  • The Selfish Giant
  • Pat and Margaret
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

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  • Adolescence


  • Cellar Door


  • Witches


  • Petite Maman


Recent reviews

  • Cellar Door

    Cellar Door


    Not only offensive in its repeated “scheming women” tropes, but in its slow, slow, utterly tedious shitness too.
    Look, I don’t mind a film where the main bits of action happen offstage, IF what we do see play out is thrilling, emotionally intense, well-acted, tightly pulled etc etc. But this is just utter bilge where the only potentially exciting events are hidden from us. Snore

  • Petite Maman

    Petite Maman


    Stunning little gem. 70 mins of sad magic

Popular reviews

  • Good Grief

    Good Grief

    *husband dies* 
    And now cut to me, Dan Levy, looking sad (sucking my lips and closing my eyes, looking down) 
    Funeral speeches 
    Cut to me, Dan Levy, smiling in a smirky way, then looking sad again 
    And cut to me again 
    British people inexplicably refer to Mandy as Molly
    Cut to me in my privileged wealthy house with my sleeves a bit long, looking sad 
    Me smirking a lot 
    Cut to me 
    Nothing else really happens 
    Celia imrie does…

  • Starfish


    Uggghhh I *really* hated this. The main character had no actual character traits, just “pink bits in hair”. The set up was so annoyingly filmed, like having her see something & gasp but not showing us what it was. Style over substance, a central relationship (with her dead best friend) that felt completely phony, awful shoegazy whiny American alt-rock as the soundtrack, the magic realism set pieces that were just...boring... ugh. I gave up an hour in.
