

i dont wanna live in a hole anymore.

Favorite films

  • City of God
  • The Tree of Life
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Before Sunrise

Recent activity

  • Adolescence


  • The Girl on the Train


  • Uncharted


  • Companion


Recent reviews

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha

    life falls apart and rebuilds itself a million times
    dreams disappear, grow and shift
    people change, leave and stay (us included)
    the sun keeps rising, unaware of our sorrow
    the wind carries whispers of what once was our life
    but always, we find ourselves again, and maybe then we have already created and become a new version of us

  • How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

    How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies


    — I do have a problem with the day after Chinese New Year. When all the leftovers from the night before are in the fridge and I know I am going to have to eat them all alone.

    There are many movies out there. In my life (which hasn’t been that long) I’ve seen good ones, bad ones, and plenty that are simply made for a fun time. But then, there’s another kind of movie.
    The kind that stays with you.…

Popular reviews

  • Stand by Me

    Stand by Me


    this just feels like a warm hug from the word friendship

  • Wild Tales

    Wild Tales


    Relatos Salvajes, un filme que trasciende la pantalla y conecta profundamente con el espectador, especialmente si sos argentino. Ver cine de tu propio país genera una conexión emocional única, una sensación de reconocimiento y pertenencia que no se puede replicar con películas de otros lugares. Es una muestra clara de la calidad del cine argentino, que lamentablemente no recibe el reconocimiento que merece.

    La película refleja la esencia misma de la Argentina, mostrando cómo la ira puede sobreponerse y llevar…
