

Favorite films

  • Frances Ha

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  • Frances Ha


  • Thanksgiving

  • Challengers


  • The Iron Claw


Recent reviews

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha


    This is my favorite movie of all time (I don’t say that lightly) 

    Frances Ha is a perfect example of how powerful the love in a platonic relationship is. Frances is so weird and I can’t wait to move to New York so that I can be just like her! I could write a book on how important this movie is to me. There are so many platonic relationships in my life that have meant more to me than any…

  • Thanksgiving


    This movie? Absolutely terrible. BUT! I watched it stoned with a beer in my hand…… and…. Wow. Perfection. 

    RIP to all the victims 🙏🏼

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    I needed more of the gay romance plot line?? Needed more. OVERALL THO??? AMAZEEEEEEEEE literally obsessed with all of the shots and zendaya is literally stunning perfect and I’m so in love with mike. Team Art 100% but her relationship with Patrick is ……… unfortunately so relatable. What makes us chose between someone who loves you but you don’t fully love them but it’s comfortable to be loved, compared to someone who doesn’t fully respect you or even love you…

  • The Iron Claw

    The Iron Claw


    the chair was SHAKING from how much i was sobbing during this movie so that actually hilarious. this was the first movie i took myself to see by myself and i couldn’t ask for a better experience. so many tears. it was just perfect and i want to sob anytime i think about it.
