

No soy nada.
Nunca seré nada.
No puedo querer ser nada.
Aparte de esto, tengo en mí todos los sueños del mundo.

Favorite films

  • The Cremator
  • Yi Yi
  • All That Jazz
  • The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Recent activity

  • Civil War


  • Suzhou River


  • The Good Girls


  • Working Girls


Recent reviews

  • Civil War

    Civil War


    Once you start asking those questions you can't stop. So we don't ask. We record so other people ask.

    Me parece genial el efecto que usa Garland para hacernos entrar en el estado psicótico/ptsd que lleva a los personajes a estar tan inmersos en esa realidad de violencia sin cuestionamiento.

    Me vi la película por suicide y me hubiera gustado haberla visto en la cinetk

  • Suzhou River

    Suzhou River


    Things like that only happen in love stories.

    I like a lot how this works: the idea of a surreal story with mermaids, a kidnapping, look-alikes and vanishing into a one of the most densely populated cities in the world fades into the real world is just magical.

    Not being able to see the protagonist just makes this more immersive and shares a better view of a bleak neon Shangai

    Something curious is that Mermaid and MeiMei sound alike

Popular reviews

  • El último canto del pájaro cú

    El último canto del pájaro cú


    La vida es muy corta como para dejar pasar oportunidades que, irremediablemente, se podrán volver a repetir.

  • How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

    How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies


    But if I have a beautiful burial plot everyone who knows, you all might meet up.

    I wanna hug my grandma and watch some movies with her
