Emme McCarthy

Emme McCarthy

a middle aged man

Favorite films

  • Juno
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Dirty Girl

Recent likes

  • Back to the Future
  • Lamp Post Lane
  • Ready Player One

Recent reviews

  • mother!



    it felt like this movie was intentionally trying to make you feel dumb by pretending to have some complex plot, the whole “Mother Nature” scheme didn’t catch my eye throughout the entire film, I do however think that some of the shots in the film did look really cool, and the acting for some of the extras in the house during the baby eating scene were interesting, however the only thing I took from this is that the ate her kid and she got burned.

  • Ready Player One

    Ready Player One


    This movie was an interesting perspective on this age, i think it had many different interesting themes and messages that people of all ages could take from. I liked it because it was not a simple and stupid PSA, but it was a cool story you could follow and maybe find some new perspective along the way. Another thumbs up for Spielberg :)