

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Arrival

Recent activity

  • Zinzindurrunkarratz


  • Story of a Steering Wheel

  • Bidasoa 2018-2023

  • Grave of the Fireflies

Recent reviews

  • Zinzindurrunkarratz



    Hasieran iruipena euki nun eztakit zeba ezitzaitela gustauko, oso "homemade" ematen zon nolabait, baino filmak jarraitu ahala konturau nintzen izugarrizko atentzioa jarrita neola ta zeharo kaptibau nindula. Bukaeran kristona gustau zitzaiten, bidaia espiritual earra da hasieratio bukaera.

    Oso harro nau euskerazko filmek/euskal zinemagilek eszena alternatibo ta experimentalan gure zatitxoa eskeintzez <3

  • Grave of the Fireflies

    Grave of the Fireflies


Popular reviews

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    The Lighthouse


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  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    Gurllll what a mess

    The story is suddenly all over the place and I can't really tell if it is because of the original books or the film; again, I want to read them one day. The plot became so unrealistic, which shouldn't bother me much considering it's a sci-fi film, but somehow it makes everything that happens in the first film lose all its credibility. I also don't really care about fight scenes and oh boy there's plenty of…
