

Favorite films

  • Repo Man
  • House
  • Phantom of the Paradise
  • All the Colors of the Dark

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  • The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

  • The Gamers

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Recent reviews

  • Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo


    I know it's an ancient meme, but Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo is incredibly entertaining & you should watch it

    It's a lazy cash grab in the planning & probably scripting, but sets, cast, & costumes put their all into it, so this stupid cliche script has a lot of heart

    Seems like 2 of the 3 leads are maybe not actors & primarily dancers? Or maybe they are very effectively pulling off the "naive in-over-their-heads manchildren but in an endearing way" characterization

    But basically,…

  • The Descent

    The Descent

    While it has a couple cool shots, this movie is mostly about unlikable "experienced cavers" doing things even a non-caver would know are stupid, for no reason other than to set up unnecessary jump scares. They put an enormous amount of effort into effects you can barely see, and meanwhile the rocks are visibly flexing under the actors' feet & they didn't match the lighting in composite shots (making green screen / rotoscope shots very obvious). It's not so much scary as annoying, which is a shame since you could easily turn this premise into a fantastic movie.

Popular reviews

  • The Editor

    The Editor


    A highly technically polished giallo spoof. It runs a bit silly at times.

  • Decoder



    The best movie ever funded entirely by the change under the couch cusions in a west german anarchist squat house. Absolutely beautiful.
