soft and warm like mash potatoe
Favorites list are just a few movies I've seen recently that deserve some love.
Ganjasaurus Rex was a failed attempt by the Reagan administration to infiltrate and destroy the stoner community from within. The plan went that the filmmakers would deliberately create the kind of trashy, poorly-made cult film that gets passed around on bootleg VHS tapes by bemused and stoned individuals; the insidious twist being that, upon seeing the film, the viewers would, via a Ludovico-type technique, associate the horrific, painful process of watching the film with the consumption of cannabis itself, compelling…
The Monsignor of the church I attended while growing up was defrocked after serving jail time (not for what you'd first assume, thank G-d -- he merely stole from the tithe basket to feed his debilitating meth addiction), so I pictured him fitting in perfectly with this band of rapscallions, quietly whipping votes in his favor until Ralph Fiennes discovers an incriminating package at his doorstep and suddenly past transgressions come to light and his shot at the papacy is…
Offensive, but in a dull, superficial, middlebrow hack mediocrity way, not the exploitative shocking disaster of bad taste I'd been led to believe, unfortunately. So mostly just excruciatingly boring. Selena Gomez's Spanish is so bad even my gringx ass noticed. Other reviews here helps me feel less insane knowing I'm not the only one who spent half the movie shouting at Mehrnaz "this is just Mrs Doubtfire!" I have been singing "from penis to vaginaaaaaaaa" (the only good song) under my breath all day.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ratatoing. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Marcel Toing’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes,…
Dora sings a song about pooping in a hole then turns to camera and tells me how to pronounce poop (mierda) en español and I shed a single nostalgic tear.