Ethan Petrie

Ethan Petrie Pro

22 // Fuck movie opinions fr

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Whiplash
  • Aftersun
  • Prisoners

Recent activity

  • The Monkey


  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2


  • Sonic the Hedgehog


  • The Night House


Pinned reviews

  • The Miseducation of Cameron Post

    The Miseducation of Cameron Post


    I really liked this movie even though it has its flaws, being cheesy/gay cliche at times and seemed like it was building to make a point that would be more impactful than it was.

    But besides all that for someone that is not apart of the LGBTQ+ community, I can see this movie being really helpful for them to get a little better of an understanding of the experience that many of us have gone through.

    But for me, being…

  • Sicario



    Well here we go again with now my fifth Denis Villeneuve film of his I have seen and boy was it a good one, again not surprised as I have loved all of his pieces so far.

    Im just gonna start by saying how good Villeneuve is at creating dramatic, dark, and eerie feeling films, all of his work has this ominous presence about it that I can't explain but anyone that his seen one of his films can understand.…

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