except for puss in boots AND anime movies.
Puss in Boots. Where do I begin?
When someone first told me to watch this, I had expectations in mind that it would be no different than any other Disney/kid movie that I've watched in the past - a lot of wholesome and cute scenes with a mixture of eye catching moments to keep me hooked and maybe a message on the side that was lowkey.
I think the low expectations I had really made me appreciate the movie so…
This ending really wasn't it, but I think that's the classic kdrama life.
Aside from the ending, this kdrama had some very strong positive points that I truly loved about it. For a thriller/crime genre, it brought a lot of value to the idea of plot twists. I feel like from the movies/shows I've watched in the past, it was always very easy to see a few steps into the future based on the information the director had already fed…
I am finally on break so I have time to write this. It's also my first review :D
I would like to begin and say that the character development that this drama had was quite absurd - absurdly good. You can feel yourself being tied to the primary male protagonist, but also feel the strains on the heart of the male antagonist. Emotions are shown to light beautifully with the different camera angles and clear cut expressions from the cast.…