37!! My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!!!
In a row?
I just wanna hang out with Jay and Silent Bob once please
Randall is SUCH a baddie
Boobs? You can see boobs anywhere the killing is the best part
This movie actually kinda sucked me in I won’t even lie it’s low budget but it’s also very silly and fun. The serial killer themes are funny I especially like the Canadian Cannibal.
Tarin is best final girl and I can’t wait to see her go on her killing spree and fuck up all the viewers. Especially that freak Keith Robertson.
And I Jack, the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing
Jack Skellington is on my hear me out cake 👀
Wish we had gotten to see the other worlds too but I’m so sorry to the poor folks who live in Valentine’s Day land or god forbid Saint Patrick’s Day land what even is that?? Just Ireland but racist and with leprechauns?
My opinion is this is a Halloween movie change my mind
Oogie Boogie always scared the shit out of me as a child and honestly? Still kind of does