Now i know why Variety paired Brady Corbet with Sean Baker.
At least Baker didn't make a 3.5 hour film to justify the creation of a zionist state.
Now i know why Variety paired Brady Corbet with Sean Baker.
At least Baker didn't make a 3.5 hour film to justify the creation of a zionist state.
At this point, I don't think there is anyone more deserving than Jane Schoenbrun to proclaim "I'm the voice of a generation." Because she is just that.
Just like her first feature, I Saw the TV Glow is narratively and structurally belongs to a new generation of cinema. One that evolved from YouTube and TikTok, and creepypastas, and all that's lurking on the interwebs. It was only a matter of time before someone crossed over that threshold and become an actual filmmaker. Schoenbrun definelty made the jump. But she also brought the internet with her.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Son 10-15 dakikası tarafından aşağıya çekilen bir film olmuş Cici. Yarım kalanları, bir türlü barışılamayanları bu kadar iyi ele alan bir filmin son 15 dakikada bu tavrından cayıp, final için bir kreşendoya, bir çözüm anına bel bağlaması tuhaf. Yine de Netflix'in yerli yapımları arasında bugüne kadarki en iyi işlerden kesinlikle.
A Hitman Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
No wonder Fincher chose to work with Andrew Dominik on Mindhunter. Dominik's Killing Them Softly and The Killer are cut from the same cloth. I guess Fincher's appreciation for Albert Serra's Pacifiction also derives from that same place. A shared interest in institutionalized violence and the very human evil that serves it.