Michael Fassbender is really good at walking.
But slick this was paced so well and the dialogue and acting was so so fun.
The juxtaposition of Mark Wahlberg and Martin Sheen is now one of my favorite things hahahahahaha that was hilarious.
Infernal Affairs ripped as well, but the cast in this - and maybe it’s the familiarity and nuances that can translate (literally) over better in the line deliveries bc it’s the same language - just carrrrriiiiieeeesss. Nicholson wickedly turned that character archetype into something else
Focusing on this time period and the relationships (romantic and persona/professional) was a great opportunity to let Chalamet do his thing. Seeing so many people who were around Dylan during this time period give this movie the nod of approval tells me all I need to know.
Music is just fun, man. The last act was electric and wonderfully executed. Edward Norton and Monica Barbaro surprised me the most with how well they transformed into their historical counterparts and performed.
One year or a hundred... what’s the difference?
Beautifully shot. Dev Patel described each frame as a painting and I agree. The subtle lighting and color palette changes were really great for the tone
The narrative itself was interesting. Sir Gawain wasn’t a hero despite his aspirations. He knew it.
I enjoyed it a lot!