Erin Choi

Erin Choi

Better an unwatched pot than an unwatched film.

Favorite films

  • Moonstruck
  • Paris, Texas
  • sex, lies, and videotape
  • Casino

Recent activity

  • Cruel Intentions


  • La Cocina


  • Ways of Seeing


  • Harlan County U.S.A.


Recent reviews

  • Cruel Intentions

    Cruel Intentions


    It all started going downhill when Sebastian started to have feelings though on the other hand it’s good propaganda for the exact type of boy who is watching this movie. Needle drops were iconic throughout and Selma Blair is impeccable in all of her roles.

  • La Cocina

    La Cocina


    AGHHHHhh I hate that the film immediately calls for The Bear comparisons because it is so so much more than a kitchen thriller. La Cocina is biting with wittiness and surrealism that clearly did not appeal to the audience I was seated among (definitely no one in there had worked in a kitchen.) It sort of reminded me of Platonov’s The Foundation Pit. There is so much emoted about our all-at-once resigned yet completely transfixed relationship to labor and about the…

Popular reviews

  • Decision to Leave

    Decision to Leave


    Tasty rococo scrupulous neo-noir on-the-edge-of-my-seater that blends two of my least favorite things (police procedural and text conversations being displayed on screen) with two of my most favorite things (Mahler’s 5th and the beauty of forbidden desire) to create a 2 hour period of time in which I was in a state of total disbelief at Park Chan Wook’s mind. Sometimes inducing whiplash and at other times burning even tediously slow, but at all times making me ache. Another one of…

  • Before Midnight

    Before Midnight


    A hair too long and the conversation a hair too real. Made me petrified of someone falling out of love with you. I enjoyed all the Greek stars, but, there was something jarring about the introduction of so many new characters, and also the color composition was so different and less romantic. But then again I watched the entire trilogy in 12 hours so can’t have too many qualms, can I? Ethan Hawke was obsessed w the nipple though.