Incredible incredible incredible
Pure art pure art pure art
Incredible incredible incredible
Pure art pure art pure art
This is without a doubt Kore-Edna’s magnum opus. While I’ve seen some themes of lgbtq representation in some of his other works like Departures, it was never the central focus. The Themes of guilt, family and childhood are all of Kore-Eda’s strongest focal points in all his films, but never has it been expressed this unique .
4.5/5, definitely cured my movie drought to start the month strong. It's your classical single-location movie in the footsteps of films like 12 Angry Men, Panic Room, and Room.
Most people would rightly rave about the intricate and explosive power swings and the way the film plays with reality, constantly keeping us guessing if this is just another sex game. It was a suffocating thrill ride that constantly kept me on edge.
I couldn't contain my laughter when there was…
Greatest movie theater experience I’ve had outside of mad max and parasite. Incredible.