

a 21 year old dog watching stuff and dumping their thoughts here!

Favorite films

  • Monsters, Inc.
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
  • The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales
  • House

Recent activity

  • Lilo & Stitch


  • The Lego Movie


  • Mickey 17


  • ParaNorman


Recent reviews

  • Lilo & Stitch

    Lilo & Stitch


    you people weren't lying, this movie rocks, and now I can be one of the people sighing when the new live-action version comes out!

    super charming and touching, the spacey parts are fun and the main plot stays down-to-earth and grounded enough to make sure the story leaves its impact. just a delightful time tbh.

  • The Lego Movie

    The Lego Movie


    not a flawless movie, by a long shot, but my god there's too much stuff I love here, it's super hard to stay purely objective. I love The Lego Movie.

    funny, fun and endearing, my only gripes are some specific jokes and yeah some of the crossover aspect might feel too much for some folks, and I get that, but to me it's used in a tongue-in-cheek way which to me reinforced the joyous mish-mash aspect of the world and…

Popular reviews

  • Petit Samedi

    Petit Samedi


    "Personne ne raconterait sa vie sans pleurer."
    vu dans le cadre du festival Amorce! (très chouette 1ère édition btw!)

    ne connaissant pas du tout le style de la réalisatrice, j'ai été intrigué.e lorsqu'elle a dit dans la FAQ précédant la séance qu'elle n'envisageait pas filmer une fiction et filmer un documentaire différemment. après avoir vu le film, je vois et comprend parfaitement en quoi elle ne fait pas de distinction. son style de réal, extrêmement calme et posé, pose vraiment…

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    was definitely a fun time!
    lots of cool stuff here : neat sci-fi concepts, I really like what the movie goes for visually, pretty strong directing and fun moments to be had. also Mickey is definitely an endearing protag but Pattinson's acting had to grow on me a bit (especially cause the narration at the beginning isn't that great).

    now, this movie reeks of struggles between execs/studio and director, and honestly, Mickey 17 could've come out far worse. the biggest…