former video store clerk
the faves are just employees of the month
As a journalist what was particularly difficult was hearing the filmmakers discuss how few people were finding their online dispatches and many terrible things are going unnoticed, or just ignored
This movie still doesn’t have a US distributor, yet it’s grossed more in theatres than the other Oscar best documentary nominees
It was beautiful to see the movie win the award 2 hours after walking out of the screening
Totally on fire. Probably my favorite midwestern accent in movies (not counting documentaries). Fricken All-star cast and you can tell they’re having so much fun. Everyone is so effortlessly good it makes you wonder why all movies can’t be this funny
With the accents it’s fun to see which words and phrases really cut through you, like “bark” “stockyards” and “oh crap”
And why is this movie hard to find?