
Esopher23 Pro

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  • Nine Days
  • Youth
  • Mr. Nobody
  • Moonlight

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  • Nude Tuesday


  • Nickel Boys


  • Sing Sing


  • Seven Psychopaths


Pinned reviews

  • Stalker



    Just three bros taking a field trip 

    Beautiful and poetic. The dialogues and poems could be stand-alones.

    Stalker offers the base for a reflexion about what characterizes our thoughts; do we desire what we think and articulate or do we wish for what our mind and body crave? 

    This pairs with a constant questioning regarding what we can interpret as either religion/cults, politics or social norms. 
    The Stalker is here shown as a leader whose knowledge and authority (which is…

Recent reviews

  • Nude Tuesday

    Nude Tuesday


    I think the whole concept and idea for the film was pretty genius but sadly it is just not that good.

    They filmed the film in a gibberish language following a script in english, then sent the film to different people that put subtitles in a way that fit what they thought the story was about and in a comical manner. I think I watched Julia Davis version.

    I really think this idea is great artistically speaking, but the film…

  • Nickel Boys

    Nickel Boys


    Beautiful shot composition and nice photography, sadly I felt like it wasn’t enough. 

    Though interesting the story does not grab you as much as it should, I felt like Cold Water (2016) which treats the same subject offered a way more impactful and devastating watch. The POV artistic choice was also nice but unequal at times and did not really serve much purpose in the end. 

    Good acting but once again it felt like the characters were here just to enliven the art while I would have prefered it the other way around. As a consequence some events of the film lacked emotional implication.

Popular reviews

  • Nowhere



    Raw dogging jeans without any underwear is some insane behavior.

    I was not expecting too much from this film at first but I have been absolutely amazed all along. Gregg Araki was able to capture the sadness of a lost youth in the best way possible. The acting was incredible. The way the lights were used and how they reflected on people and objects, the colors, the eyes of everyone, the backgrounds ?? Those bedrooms looked like rooms outside of…

  • Barry Lyndon

    Barry Lyndon


    « It was in the reign of George II that the above-named personages lived and quarrelled; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are all equal now »

    Not saying anything new here but the most striking thing in this film is the absolute insanity of the photography. Every still could be a painting deserving to be in the Louvre and I am barely being hyperbolic. The lighting when Barry comes to Lady Lyndon in the bathtub???…