

i hate horror movies. share love, not fear

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • Mr. Nobody
  • Groundhog Day
  • Normal People

Recent activity

  • Picture This


  • La Jetée


  • Wicked


  • Yours, Mine & Ours


Recent reviews

  • La Jetée

    La Jetée


    first film to watch fully in french :) and i highly recommend to anyone learning.

    La Jetée is indeed a unusual film, filmed on black and white, with no movement or dialogues, but created as a short story composed of still frames, told by a haunting, soft narrator voice on the background. It's a masterpiece from the photographer's point of view.

    I believe what it transmits goes beyond the spectrum of time and time travel itself. Perhaps, it's just about love. Perhaps, almost everything is...

  • Wicked



    Esta película es proporcionalmente lo que hizo Barbie hace un año, con muchos aspectos similares como el formato, desarollo de personajes, el marketing que tuvo, el público objetivo...
    sinceramente la trama principal me pareció un poco vacía, no tengo nada en contra de los musicales igual

Popular reviews

  • The Teachers' Lounge

    The Teachers' Lounge


    The Teachers' longue is an absolutely amazing film. It achieves the depiction of some of the major cultural issues with the current Western European society and its welfare state, and the script does this in such a great satirical way, stretching this line long enough to still keep it down to earth, but magnifying every scene with a glimpse of crude reality.
    I also love the fact that's so painful to watch this movie as the struggle to relate to…

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez

    que desastre, que necesidad de volverla un musical???
    Que guión tan pobre, tan desconectada de la vida real, ni un actor mexicano para una película en México. Selena Gomez se le olvidó actuar, y hablar español...
