

Favorite films

  • Good Will Hunting
  • City of God
  • The Pianist
  • Beautiful Boy

Recent activity

  • The Pursuit of Happyness


  • Good Will Hunting


  • Fight Club


  • Parasite


Recent reviews

  • Good Will Hunting

    Good Will Hunting


    **Good Will Hunting: A Truly Magnificent Film**

    *Good Will Hunting* is simply a magnificent film. Its beauty lies in its story, its performances, and the values it conveys. In every aspect, this film is remarkable. One of its greatest strengths is its simplicity, which serves as the true foundation of its power. The film presents a compelling narrative that is wonderfully told, featuring characters that feel authentic and relatable—people who are sincere and, above all, human. Watching these characters navigate…

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    **Fight Club: A Cinematic Masterpiece Revisited**

    Initially misunderstood upon its release in 1999, *Fight Club* has since garnered acclaim from cinephiles, now regarded as a cinematic masterpiece. This film delivers a stunning cinematic experience that profoundly impacts its viewers. The story follows an unnamed narrator who leads a solitary existence, working alone and eating solitary meals, embodying the existential struggles of many who face moral and emotional desolation. His life takes a transformative turn when he joins Fight Club, a…

Popular reviews

  • Paths of Glory

    Paths of Glory


    I don't find the usual kubrick here! But the filmmaking is as good as ever. The history of France is simply incredible! A wonderful film!

  • Green Tide

    Green Tide


    Un belle exemple de notre société consumériste qui s’en bal les corones de notre planète. Qui veut simplement faire du fric quit à ce que des gens et la biodiversité crève.
    Ce qui est fou c’est que c’est une histoire vrai et que Irène Léraud n’a pas été écouter. Ça montre bien à quelle point les lanceurs d’alerte sont ignoré au détriment de certains riches qui veulent juste s’enrichir encore plus.
    Pour revenir sur le film. Il est bien réalisé, quoi qu’un peu ennuyant à des moments. Pierre Jolivet a très très bien réussi son films.
