hey look! it’s shitty collateral!
a surfeit of jason bateman’s smarmy voiceovers can’t even save this one
i didn’t read any of the Letterboxd reviews for this prior to leaving my first one because I thought it’d be like every other big movie on here and have like a 3.7 or something — 4.6 stars? No if you’re all shitting pixie dust on this then I will play the foil and do my part to bring this score back to earth because that is disgusting
the high rating soon made sense when I looked at all the…
it’s odd to me that Billie staunchly proclaims multiple times in this doc that she’d rather do no show than put on a bad show, and yet she somehow let this agonizingly overlong and soporific collection of disjointed clips be released
I wish she had taken her own advice and chosen to direct this like she does her own music videos, because RJ Cutler obviously had no fucking idea what story he wanted to tell here
also, dramatic intermissions are…