
ellipsal Pro

horror is my main jam but i love a bit of everything (except documentaries)

Favorite films

  • Halloween
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Beau Travail
  • Inland Empire

Recent activity

  • Fire and Ice


  • The Bling Ring


  • Pusher


  • Child's Play


Recent reviews

  • Fire and Ice

    Fire and Ice


    Decent world building and character design, kinda slow and predictable story. Pretty fun fantasy schlock

  • The Bling Ring

    The Bling Ring


    Pretty fun and captures the feeling of that time period quite well. I’m surprised this hasn’t taken off more given the recent indie sleaze trend, this would slot nicely into that. Doesn’t really have too much to say about the situation and the movie quickly stops caring about the characters outside of just depicting their crimes (because what else is there to say? They’re not richly complex people) but reveling in their audacity is a fun time. Highlights include the cinematography and Emma Watson’s delightful performance

Popular reviews

  • The Heroic Trio

    The Heroic Trio


    Hitting myself the whole time with a giant mallet Tex Avery style

  • Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

    Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter


    The formula is in full effect here, there are only minor tweaks from the previous entry here, but these changes help keep it from feeling too stale. The intro summary montage was a lot better than just showing the climax of the previous film like what part 2 and 3 did. It was a nice change of pace to have a family with a child in addition to the pack of teens, as well as the lone hunter that knew…
