i forgot how fun this movie is - the settings and fight scenes are honestly really cool i just think the pacing is a bit off in the second half
(watched in theaters when it first came out but rewatched recently for my asian am pop culture class)
i forgot how fun this movie is - the settings and fight scenes are honestly really cool i just think the pacing is a bit off in the second half
(watched in theaters when it first came out but rewatched recently for my asian am pop culture class)
watched this for my asian american pop culture class like a month ago and honestly i think it really made me appreciate how far cinema has come today
“they come to america and forget everything.”
brb literally bawling because this movie was such a vivid reminder that my own immigrant parents were also young once and came to this country with nothing but their own hopes and dreams and no guidance on how to go about achieving them. i had no idea that i would find the story of a korean family moving to an arkansas farm in the 1980s so relatable, yet everything about this film was beautiful…