Beyond ashamed to admit I might have rented this multiple times when it came out…we all have our flaws.
This was supposed to be a franchise? HAHAHAHA
Beyond ashamed to admit I might have rented this multiple times when it came out…we all have our flaws.
This was supposed to be a franchise? HAHAHAHA
Got some laughs out of me and I can see why it has a cult following but idk, didn’t hit like I wanted it to.
I immediately want to go to Universal Studios every time I rewatch this.
This movie has a special place in my heart thanks to the stunt show but I honestly believe this is no where near as bad as its reputation would have you believe. Even teared up at a few moments between the Mariner and Enola. Way too long for its own good but I appreciate the stunt work so so much.
One of my personal favorite scores as well, I’ve spent countless drives blasting “Escape from The Smokers.” pretending I was the Mariner lol.
Bootleg Version.
Can’t really explain it but the vibes this movie gives off are cozy as hell.