

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • The Tree of Life
  • Moonlight
  • Before Sunset

Recent activity

  • Zero Dark Thirty


  • The Muppets


  • Skinamarink

  • Ne Zha 2


Recent reviews

  • Zero Dark Thirty

    Zero Dark Thirty


    If this movie is self aware, and from watching interviews with Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal this appears to be the case, then this is arguably one of the greatest Swiftian films (the writer, not the musician) of all time. A satire of America’s place in the world post-9/11 without undeserved wit; If you aren’t a total psychopath, there isn’t any question of “are we the baddies?”. The answer is a resounding yes.

    The first thirty minutes of the film…

  • The Muppets

    The Muppets


    A really fun reintroduction to the Muppets for longtime fans and newcomers alike. Unironically some of the most fun you can have while gone off that loud.

Popular reviews

  • Shōgun



    “If I could use words / like scattering flowers and fallen leaves, / what a bonfire my poems would make.”

    Probably the best dramatic television show of the last several years. A masterwork in every sense. Acting, writing, cinematography, production design, music.. everything. Devastating and fulfilling in equal measure. Rumination on life and death. Such simple elements flow together so beautifully, the pacing is like that of a Haikai. Methodical and moving.

    Such a shame it’s a miniseries, I would love to see the story continue.

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    Watched in the cinema on Valentine’s Day with my love. One of the best theater-going experiences of my life. 

    What is so striking to me about the First One is that communication is key to the whole thing. The first scene starts with a fight between lovers that the two main characters cannot understand because of the language barrier, and this literally brings them together. Then, throughout the film, we see time and time again that bad things happen when…
