“extremely insightful and incredibly based”
no rhyme or reason to my rating system, purely vibes
who up thinking about their homoerotic friendship that ended in a devastating way and will probably haunt them forever
hate rom-coms and cliches but i could never bring myself to hate this movie
so consistently funny! songs are absolute bangers!!! i love this movie so much. it has perfected the music documentary style and is just packed with cameos and jokes at every moment but somehow never gets exhausting. the tmz bit will never get old
best comfort movie ever
many mixed feelings -- the visual language is so strong, but i felt that it was forced to carry the weight of the film and could've been aided by better writing. the surrealist, experimental cinematography does a great job of expressing the desynchronization of the characters along with Lee's extreme desperation and longing, but the visuals couldn't stand alone without something to grasp onto. i was just hoping for more enticing character development; the emotion was there but the story…