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  • Alien
  • The Elephant Man
  • Haze
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

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  • Irreversible


  • Kin-dza-dza!


  • Your Name.

  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time


Recent reviews

  • Irreversible



    Time destroys all things.

  • Kin-dza-dza!



    Somewhere between stepping into a surrealist painting and taking a slow decent into a hallucination. We journey through a nonsensical dystopian world where absurd universal structures, obedient customs and bizarre rules are slowly adopted by our two comrades who learn to accept the backwards planet with which they find themselves trapped on.

    Everything is tied together with a whimsical score, alien dialogue and a certain charm and honesty which seems to set the pace of minute by minute discovery. Confusion? Isolation? Understanding? Survival instinct? Control? Friendship? So much is explored in this odd but fascinating film.

Popular reviews

  • Nosferatu



    Unfortunately a sledgehammer has been used for a job which requires a chisel. 
    Smashing any deliverance of subtle emotion, tension or allure we are forced to endure a single dimensional film which lacks the depth or the understanding of what makes a great horror story.

    Apologies to anyone who loves this rendition of Nosferatu but for me, this one really missed the mark. It may sound like I’m being harsh but seeing as this is the third telling of the…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    Sadly, Hellathon is over, and the beautiful horror month of October is already 7 days old. But…I just watched The Substance and I couldn’t not do a review.

    For me, this felt like a film lovers film, a horror lovers film. An ode to amazing films like The Elephant man, Frankenstein, 2001 a Space Odessy, the Shining, Carrie, the Fly, and probably some more big ones that I missed the references to. 

    It wasn’t perfect, some parts were a bit…
