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The acting.
Such shallow and bleak characters, yet the depth of the actors. Portrayal and authenticity was insane.
The story was nothing, an afterthought or a stereotype you know all too well and couldn’t give the slightest shit about.
We need more movies like this, decent cheesy acting, good special effects, lighthearted story, adventure, ginger forest girl who can transform into an owl-bear.
This might be long…
- Starting off the camera movement is straight out of adult swim off the air editing, must be blender or some shit. Feels bar for bar.
- The plot is alright, there were some funny/random/weird/funny scenes, like early on when the dogs just show up in a moving rowboat. Like how tf is the boat moving, how tf is it not tipping, and how tf are they seated comfortably, not possible. Anyways that kind of encapsulates…