

I don't really review, and I am much too generous and biased with ratings.

Superhero movies, thrillers and horror are what I'm about.

Favorite films

  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Pacific Rim
  • Her

Recent activity

  • Justice League Dark

  • This Is Everything: Gigi Gorgeous

  • Operation Avalanche

  • Hidden Figures

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Honeymoon


    The last sort of 50 mins of the movie literally had my jaw hanging open the entire time. I guessed as soon as the movie started what it was that was in the woods but it didn't spoil the movie for me whatsoever, and I suppose the overall idea of the film is pretty generic, but the feeling of paranoia was overwhelming and the leads gave such great performances (esp Harry in one certain scene that I won't spoil) that…

  • 12 Years a Slave

    12 Years a Slave

    It's ridiculous that this movie will probably miss out on it's deserved awards because of The-Movie-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and that Lupita will probably miss out on what is rightly hers, in which Satan herself will win bc the Academy is so far up her's and DOR's arseholes that they can see out the other end. Ugh