Gideon Oelofse

Gideon Oelofse

Favorite films

  • Empire Records
  • Se7en
  • The Jungle Book
  • The Help

Recent activity

  • Five Feet Apart


  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


  • Escape Room


  • Searching


Recent reviews

  • Five Feet Apart

    Five Feet Apart


    Typical YA-film... even slightly enjoyable.

    Can't say it was as horrible as I thought it was going to be, and yet way less depressing than I hoped. I'm still not sold on Mr. Sprouse's acting skills as once again he is an misunderstood and angsty teen - although his ever-present sickly complexion made him an obvious choice for the role.

    Good story, wouldve been better with proper casting.

  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

    Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


    Great cast... Decent film.
    I maybe overhyped myself for this film - the dialogue was amazing (we knew it was going to be) and the crazy cool score was exactly what one would've expected, but sadly I do feel that the story wasn't punchy enough and that may be because of my high expectations.
    Maybe if the movie didnt spin off in an alternate reality ending and actually stuck to what really happened that night (out of the perspective of these two very well written characters) it may have been more impactful...
    I don't know.

Popular reviews

  • Escape Room

    Escape Room


    Taken at face value it was quite an enjoyable film.

    Sure the characters lacked depth, even though I feel they were hard-selling them as utterly complex individuals, but it was entertaining enough.

    Is it going to be a cult classic or a feature on a Top 10 list? No, but we knew that going into it. Had the ending been given any thought and executed well, I may have even given it another half a star, but sadly it fell flat for me.

    Watch it you feel like some brain-candy.

  • Searching



    (No real spoilers...)

    It's great to see something this refreshing and new.

    Not only was I drawn in by the numerous pop-up windows (searching for clues with the father), but also by a compelling story that doesnt rely on special effects or camera tricks to tell a tale.

    It kinda unsettled me how anonymous one can become online, and I think that is exactly what made this movie so relavant in today's day and age. John Cho and Debra Messing…
