

Favorite films

  • Halloween
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • A Star Is Born
  • Slumber Party Massacre II

Recent activity

  • V/H/S/99


  • Black Christmas


  • Silent Night


  • Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers


Recent reviews

  • V/H/S/99



    First watching this movie I really thought it was fun … then rewatching it I realized I was probably asleep watching the movie the first time because this movie isn’t as good as I thought it was. It’s not horrible but the stories are very plain and a lot of the scenes look very cheap and low budget. I also got really annoyed because they kept on doing the 90s static camera thing that was cool at first but then…

  • Black Christmas

    Black Christmas


    Before I saw the iconic Original Black Christmas, I grew up with this 2006 remake. As a child, this movie was my absolute favorite, I watched it every single day reenacting the scene pretending I was a sorority girl lol. Now that I’m much older, I still really enjoy this movie but this movie has a lot of flaws that I have accepted (except for one piece to the story) and will still love but keeping it real as a…

Popular reviews

  • Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

    Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers


    First I would like to say I grew up watching this film so this film will always have a special place in my heart. I will always enjoy this film, I love the atmosphere, I like some of the acting, and some of the kills. What I really don’t like about this movie is the whole cult story line, I don’t see why that had to be brought up in the first place and does kinda ruins the franchise. I…

  • Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

    Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers


    I enjoy watching the Halloween movies during October, I think they all have really good atmosphere and really help you get into the Halloween spirit. This movie is probably my favorite sequel from the franchise! I love the soundtrack, the acting, and the story. I enjoyed Danielle Harris’s character and her performance, she really did THAT in this movie! I also loved how brutal they made Michael in the movie as well. There are some small things I do not…