

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The Godfather
  • Interstellar
  • The Batman

Recent likes

  • Hercules
  • Iron Man
  • American Psycho
  • A Silent Voice: The Movie

Recent reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame


    No movie will ever top this movie in terms of Theatrical Experience , for me. I had been waiting a long time to watch Endgame after Infinity War. The tension building up to the movie only made it better. I watched the movie pre-release night in a absolutely slam packed theater, there were no seats left. Every moment invoked some sort of sadness, happiness, excitednees, or anxiousness. I was confused at first when Thanos was killed. However the way Thanos…

  • Doctor Strange

    Doctor Strange


    Personally, im not reviewing this from an objective standpoint. Im not a critic. However i LOVE this movie. Benedict Cumberbatch fits the role based on looks and character to perfection. The introduction of this use of magic to the MCU was awesome. I loved how everything looked visually, especially the trippy moments like astral projection or when strange first meets The Ancient One. I also just love Doctor Strange as a character. My only nitpick with this movie is Kaecilius is not a villain i like too much. Regardless, this movie will hold as my favorite solo/ origin movie within the Marvel franchise.

  • Avengers: Infinity War

    Avengers: Infinity War


    Worth all the build up in previous movies throughout the MCU. The world-building up to this point provided a fantastic crossover with all of our favorite characters. It provided humor with good fights and special moments such as Thor getting stormbreaker, the snap, the fight on Titan, the fight in Wakanda, and just seeing characters meet eachother for the first time. Personally I love Doctor Strange so even the fight 1v1 between him and Thanos made the movie even better…
