so bittersweet :) im a sucker for a group of friends from the suburbs in their preteen years going on an adventure and never finding another one like each other again...
rip river phoenix. chris chambers has my heart
so bittersweet :) im a sucker for a group of friends from the suburbs in their preteen years going on an adventure and never finding another one like each other again...
rip river phoenix. chris chambers has my heart
horror and metal go well together this really had potential!! but i needed more!! was the house a portal to hell? what else did ray go through growing up? were other people who inhabited the house also influenced to do other weird stuff? there needed to be MORE. but i really liked the concept... wish they showed more under 80 mins, this was rather vague
been waiting for this...
generally all over the place, some unnecessary and confusing characters, but overall great performances (esp from samara and alba, dilf eric dane is also here) and soundtrack. love the premise, just fell short of execution narrative-wise