Movie Nerd
Film Nerd
My Goal
To Watch As Many Movies As Possible
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
It is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful documentary and they recap the last seven years of Star Trek the next generation hosted by Jonathan Franks
I must say he’s a really good host and he’s a really good actor. He he played commander William Ryker in the series.
This documentary takes you behind the scenes and tells you the ins and outs of how they made the series with casting crew interviews, blooper reels, gag, reels, talking with the director. I…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A look into the 23rd century
This documentary was so informative
Lots of information, lots of cast and crew interviews set design and they even used for the first time ever in this film a hologram
To make Logan‘s run, this is a very first time ever that they’ve ever used a hologram in a movie. I love behind the scenes stuff so if you like the movie, Logan‘s run, then you’re gonna love the documentary on how they made…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Motel Hell
I’ll be honest I was expecting more from this film. That it was a lot of boring parts. I fell asleep at least four times through it and I had to go back and rewatch it twice in order to get through it. I wouldn’t recommend this one. It only starts getting interesting towards the middle to the end. The first half is kind of boring. The best scene in it is the chainsaw fight scene towards the…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Twister 1996
This film is without a doubt, the one of the most action adventure that I’ve ever seen in the 90s
Bill Paxton and the rest of his crew starred in this in this movie as storm chasers and they’re chasing tornadoes to get them to get an early warning system by putting Dorothy a communication system up inside the tornado to get better data on the tornado
The best scene of the film without a doubt is when…