

Favorite films

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Recent reviews

  • Joker: Folie à Deux

    Joker: Folie à Deux

    Krl, que filme! O roteiro, a direção, as performances, as músicas tudo foi uma merda.

    Um dos filmes mais pretensiosos que eu vi em um bom tempo. Parece que todas as cenas desse filme se consistem em recaptular o que aconteceu no primeiro filme, no coringa e na Harley cantando de como eles se amam(apesar de não terem nenhuma química, e a única coisa que eles têm em comum é os dois são muito crazys ) no coringa fumando um…

  • Madame Web

    Madame Web


    Tudo que eu esperava, e mais! Obrigado Sony, nunca mude!

Popular reviews

  • Morbius



    When Doctor Michael Morbius, main charecter of the hit film "Morbius" said "ITS MORBIN TIME!", I felt that man.

    Truly one of the movies of all time. All the morbilion tickets sold at the box office were earned. And I am so happy people are starting to realize that.


  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


    This is the Disney equivalent to justice league, a souless, Frankenstein monster of a movie that it was made just to be a product. Say whatever you want about the prequels or tlj, but at the end of the day at least I can say that they are real movies with someone behind the camera that wanted to tell a history.

    The two big diferences between this two "movies" are that this time there is no secret Rian Johnson 4…
