This white ass western made by white men recommended to me by boomer white people with a white man complaining about his mexican wife feeding him frijoles is still annoyingly good.
“There are some things a man just can’t run away from.”
This white ass western made by white men recommended to me by boomer white people with a white man complaining about his mexican wife feeding him frijoles is still annoyingly good.
“There are some things a man just can’t run away from.”
It’s a pretty great film— it’s got The Best Years of Our Lives thing going on, friggin Cagney AND Bogey as gangsters, “Melancholy Baby” as the theme, and OH MAN that ending— but it would be even better without the endless 30’s gab.
This is all for Denzel’s stache.
“If you run away from us, you run away from yourself. And we all suffer.”
The most interesting part about this documentary was trying to figure out the distinctive features of the Ontario accent. Honestly that was the only thing that kept me watching.
Listen for the diphthong ou sound. Like in “house” or “about”.
Also the short a sound on that one detective in words like “car”. Though I think that means that guy is from Atlantic Canada not Ontario.
You’re welcome.