dirty pervert with a heart of gold and a teeny tiny attention span. do you hate me?

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Ghost World
  • Strangers on a Train
  • Vamp

Recent activity

  • Cruel Intentions


  • The Terminator


  • Poor Things


  • Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror


Recent reviews

  • Cruel Intentions

    Cruel Intentions


    a lot of people are shy about incest- which i suppose is fair, since it is incest after all- but if there’s anything i believe about film, it’s that we don’t need to justify what happens on screen using the rules of this world. our reality is not the same reality in which stepsiblings grope each other without shame in Cruel Intentions. loosen up a little. get comfortable.

    i wanted to like this movie. and of course i wanted Sebastian…

  • The Terminator

    The Terminator


    when i was 19 i was dating this dude who was 25. he was always hanging out with his friends who were other 25 year old dudes, and all they would do together is pile on the couch and watch sci-fi movies from 1970-2000. alien, predator, the terminator. i thought it was so fucking stupid. now i’m a 25 year old dude and fuck. i get it. 

    terminator is a perfect movie. a perfect film, really. sorry, that’s my favorite…

Popular reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    i watched the lobster when i was 17, at the hands of a good friend who knew good films. i am not that. i never have been able to feel confident calling a film ‘good’ (hell, i’m not confident enough to call a movie ‘a film’). yorgos lanthimos gets me though. i won’t say i get him. how would i know that! but i know that the lobster, killing of a sacred deer, and now poor things have carried me…

  • Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror

    Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror


    it started when i said i would cook dinner. 

    you see, my household consists of four people: myself, my girlfriend, our best friend, and our cat. we all take turns cooking dinner for the most part (the cat almost always skips- it’s honestly worse when she doesn’t). i decided to make a roasted red pepper sauce to put on some of those little pastas that look like tightly curled ringlets. on the side, i sautéed some mushrooms and spaghetti squash…
