The fall of the last empire.
China's first President Sun Yat-Sen and military commander Huang Xing lead the revolutionary Wuchang Uprising in a bid to put an end to the reign of the Qing Dynasty.
China's first President Sun Yat-Sen and military commander Huang Xing lead the revolutionary Wuchang Uprising in a bid to put an end to the reign of the Qing Dynasty.
Jackie Chan Li Bingbing Joan Chen Jaycee Chan Jiang Wu Hu Ge Ning Jing Winston Chao Yu Shaoqun Dennis To Yu-Hang Huang Zhizhong Mei Ting Simon Dutton James Lee Guy Li Dongxue Wang Ziwen Wei Zongwan Xie Gang Tao Zeru Xing Jiadong Wang Luyao Sun Chun Ma Yan Sun Jingji Hu Ming Huo Qing Qi Dao Daying Ye Yiheng Chen Show All…
Changchun Film Studio Shanghai Film Group Jiangsu Broadcasting JCE Movies Xiaoxiang Film Studio Hebei Film Studio Tianjin North Film Group Media Asia Films Eastern Broadcasting Huaxia Film Distribution
Xinhai Revolution, Xin hai ge ming, 1911 Revolution, 1911: Révolution, China 1911, 1911 Devrimi, 1911 - A Revolução, Падение последней империи, ใหญ่ผ่าใหญ่, 1911 : Révolution, 1911: Pád poslední říše, 1911: Επανάσταση, 신해혁명, 1911 המהפכה, 1911: A Revolução, 1911: Pád poslednej ríše, Революцията 1911, Chiny 1911: Rewolucja, Revolucija 1911., 1911 - Revolution, Cách Mạng Tân Hợi 1911, 1911 - The Revolution
Starring: Jackie Chan - The Suicidal Clown, Drunken Kicker and Master of Punches
As someone who had absolutely no idea about any of the events that transpired here and that led to the formation of the Republic of China, this was a pretty informative and interesting film as I got to learn about the matter. It does play like a Cliff Note version, but it gets the job done. As many others have pointed out, you can see there was a lot of love and passion put into the film by its filmmakers and a lot of the cast, with Chao stealing most of the show as Sun Yat-sen, the first provisional president of the new republic, portraying this flawed…
Despite my lack of knowledge about much of Chinese history, I can tell that 1911 was made with plenty of passion by the filmmakers, if little actual talent. The film presents the Cliff Notes version of the Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the last imperial dynasty in China in, you guessed it, 1911. The story is told from the perspectives of many different characters, wherein lies its first problem. Clocking it at barely over 90 minutes, the film condenses a lot of history into a short amount of time and throws characters at us rapid fire with nothing but a text based name and position, no back-stories. This makes it really hard to care about any one person, or the general…
Honestly sometimes you see a movie that really just is so bad there's no reason to even bother reviewing it. There are some hilariously fucking corny, especially battle sequences and the political meetings. If you are going to pick such an important event in Chinese history, why would you not extend it to be several hours rather than just 100 minutes. Obviously this had a large budget but honestly I'm not sure what the point of any of this is. From the perspective of narrative and pacing, this is a dumpster fire, which, had the movie been longer, *might* have been alleviated.
Nonetheless just overall not a good movie
Hatte sehr viel mehr Potential, trotzdem guter Film!
Das Poster hatte mir einen weitaus actionlastigeren Kriegsfilm mit Jackie Chan versprochen, bekommen habe ich dass zum Teil. Der Film ist im Kern echt ganz gut, aber irgendwie ist alles permanent sehr wirr und unübersichtlich. Chaotischer, aber unterhaltsamer historischer Kriegsfilm!
it's so cool to make like a historical epic war movie that should be 3 hours long but is instead 100 minutes. but since you still have dozens of named speaking characters, you just throw up text on screen saying who they are. total narrative mess, a nightmare of pacing. jackie fucked up!
Сотым фильмом Джеки Чан, где он ещё и один из пяти режиссеров, стала китайская заказуха, приуроченная к 100-летию ихней революции. Как если бы у нас Бондарчук и четверо его товарищей сняли в 17-м про дедушку Ленина. При очевидной высокобюджетности очень скомканно и сумбурно, как будто три часа попытались впихнуть в 100 минут, куча лишних "информативных" субтитров и как раз тот случай, про который говорят "у семи нянек дитя без глаза". А то и без глаз. Пара батальных сцен поставлена неплохо, но больше всего понравилось, как Джеки Чан привычно отпиздил каких-то недобитков в трюме корабля. Увы, это единственная такая сцена.
“I speak for all of China.”
Took a dive into this because I’ve actually learned enough Chinese history to understand what’s going on and who’s who. Produced for a domestic audience fairly there’s no need beyond a basic primer. Still, knowing what’s going on - not a great movie. The whole thing feels like the worst kind of IP endeavour - a film more focused on recounting lore and making viewers say “oh there’s x!” about famous historical figures, than its is about making the film about something. It’s a shame too as the founding of the Chinese Republic is a dramatic and epic story with plenty of rich characters. Jackie Chan is one of the most charismatic and likeable actors…
Esse é um filme de guerra e ouso dizer: poético.
Poético pois se trata do 100º filme de Jackie Chan e também marca o 100º aniversário da revolução que derrubou o último reino imperial chinês.
Esse filme conta a história da revolução de 1911, que acabou com a Dinastia Qing e direcionou a China à era moderna. Uma revolução que começou a aparecer no final de 1910, com Sun e o militar Huang Xing. Todos os planos deles são colocados a prova em 27 de abril de 1911, quando atacam o Gabinete do Governador, mas erram na quantidade de munição,levando a uma perda de 72 homens. Entre guerras e negociações,eles chegam a um acordo em formato republicana de governo, com…
"1911 Revolution"
Jackie Chans 100. Film !
Leider etwas dröge und zu viel Pathos...
Hat aber ein paar gute Szenen.
I decided to watch this because this was Jackie Chan's 100th film.
And I love Jackie Chan.
But wow....
Holy fuck this film was bad.
I mean there are no redeeming qualities at all.
The only reason I'm not giving this ½ a star is because I love Jackie Chan.
And no matter how bad a movie with him is, I'll never give it ½.
But this is the worst film I've seen him in.
I mean where do I begin?
The film is so rushed for one.
Like, everything is happening a mile a minute.
There are battles where they give one sentence introductions to what they meant.
They were also introducing like thirty people in a span of…
Every single scene of this movie be like...
Person: [appears]
Caption: Minister Chen. Head duck catcher of the Qing court.
Minister Chen: "We must stop these revolutionaries."
The Empress: "Shut up." [cries]
[Screen fades to a Ken Burns style montage of exploding miscellany]
Caption over the montage: 27 days later, Minister Chen shat the biggest shit he'd ever shat in his life at the tavern down the road after eating too much zhajiangmian. The force of the poo-blast killed him.
The most incoherent and incomprehensible history lesson I've ever had.