On New Year's Eve 1999, as a group of neurotic characters gather at a Greenwich Village apartment, everyone struggles to come to terms with their identities, relationships, and self-doubts before the millennium turns.
On New Year's Eve 1999, as a group of neurotic characters gather at a Greenwich Village apartment, everyone struggles to come to terms with their identities, relationships, and self-doubts before the millennium turns.
Dan Futterman Allyson Downey Jennifer Garner Matt McGrath Buck Henry Steven Wright Sandrine Holt Amanda Peet Margaret Devine Daniel Lapaine Leonid Citer David Gelb David Porter Bray Poor Zandy Hartig Timothy Olyphant Michael Rosenbaum Leslie Lyles Melinda Buckley Abagail Revash Jennifer Smith Inga de Haan Madison Michele Ahnie Berl Gwendolyn Bailey Orran Farmer
Forgettable 90s indie comedy drama with a group of people hanging out on New Year's Eve. In its favor are Steven Wright doing some of his dry humor and an Amanda Peet striptease. Working against it are bland lead Dan Futterman and the fact that he chooses Jennifer Garner over Peet.
Indie-filmmaker copies Richard Linklater and mostly doesn't screw it up. More at 11. I won't comment on whether or not this is actually a good movie, but it reflects nicely as a time-capsule of 90's counterculture which was comfy and wholesome as all heck. We didn't know how good we had it.
I'm truly obsessed with this movie, I re-watch it every New Year’s Eve
Add it to the NYE canon. Heck, this is the NYE canon. Definite yearly rewatch candidate. It’s so good — I feel very good!
Thanks for this last one here Austin. Pete & Elda’s & 1999. A good way to end unto further beginnings. We’ve kept the ember lit, my friend.
Lake Como/Belmar Austin
going to parties is about seeing people you can't stand and seeing people you want to notice you
one of the oddest and greenest things i have watched in seven parts
does this qualify as sci-fi
i killed a man today. i lured him to death with a can of baked beans. that’s my favorite way of doing it.
totally worth watching in 7 parts on youtube
the durian scene with jennifer garner's boyfriend and the hot coworker was me eating shr*+ms last new years; great time
the new years trilogy is this, 200 cigarettes and new year's eve.
A lesser version of Kicking and Screaming. And I’m not a huge fan of that film.
Continues to be such a favorite of mine. A comfort watch. Brings me back to growing up in NYC in the 1990s in a way no other film does. And this continues to be in my personal opinion the cutest Rosenbaum look (the facial hair, the brown leather jacket, the hat with ear flaps.... it’s all so good).