Sometimes being young is the toughest job of all.
At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students.
At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students.
Teresa Palmer Frank Sweet Sam Harris Charles Baird Joel Mackenzie Marni Spillane Clementine Mellor Sarah Hudson Gary Sweet Amy Schapel Xavier Samuel Chris Olver Camille Qurban Olivia Furlong Daniel Whyte Brenton Tregloan Dominic Pedlar Irena Dangov Bryce Nankivell Mark Dean Elsie Kinnaird Michael Griffin Adam Balales John Ovenden Peta Shannon Alan Matthews
Kent Smith Dean O'Flaherty Nick Selth Murali K. Thalluri Gary Hamilton Andrew Norris Jean Engela Stephen Norris
2-37, 2h37, Two Thirty 7, Two Thirty Seven, 2x37, 2.37 - Two Thirty Seven, 2.37, 2:37 - Two Thirty Seven, 2:37 (La hora del suicida), 明日、君がいない, 2h37 - É Só uma Questão de Tempo, 2:37
While refamiliarising myself with this film for this review, I fell down a rabbit hole and learned that the director almost certainly made up the story about the suicide of a close friend for the publicity and credibility it gave to justifying the graphic depiction of suicide he argues is a "deterrent". The way he walks back the deception in increments reminds me of another contemporary Aussie fraudster from Forbidden Lies.
He also roped in a suicide prevention charity as a tax loophole and faked graduate acting credentials to get a teaching job where he could look for actors. And for the sake of completionism, though this part everyone knows, the stylistic innovations that landed the film its prestigious Cannes…
This second-rate 'Elephant' was filmed at my high school. Would've preferred if it was directed by Gus Vant Sant. 'My Own Private Adelaide'.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Back in 2006, I was living in Australia and I remember seeing this at the cinema. My memory of it was that it was extremely sad, but brilliant and I've been wanting to rewatch it for a while, but wasn't able to find it anywhere until I saw it in Alice's catalogue, so I rented it this week.
I wish my memory was more reliable - massive trigger/content warning if you ever decide to watch this.
The premise of the movie is a grim one - it starts with a locked toilet door in a school, blood coming underneath it and panic to get to whoever is inside. We don't know who the person is that they find, but they…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
My highlights from this iNtEnSe viewing experience:
- a guy with 2 urethras is mocked for pissing his pants which are beige, so he carries a replacement pair of pants which are also beige. He says he's had this problem for all his life and his parents tried everything to cover up the incidents to make every day life less humiliating for him but nothing worked.
BOTH his pants are beige.
- a guy who is gay but denies it masturbates watching the homepage of a porn site instead of, say, one of the advertised porn videos on said site.
- a guy brutally rapes his own sister anally, somehow impregnating her in the process.
- a guy who is…
Watching a teen suicide and a literal rape-incest scene as a middle schooler on YouTube definitely affected my mental well-being in the long run. Not too shabby Australia
fuck marcus i hope he died
Numa levada de filmagem muito similar ao de Elephant, de Gus Van Sant, mas com roteiro totalmente diferente, 2:37 traz coisas muito profundas em seu conceito.
Um filme trágico, sobretudo escancarando a tragédia particular. Aquele tipo de tragédia que vive dentro de cada um de nós. Aquela coisa ordinária que por vezes nos faz chorar e que não contamos para ninguém.
Talvez você se identifique com o filme, talvez você lembre de alguma cena da sua juventude… Enfim, aqui você poderá encontrar um mar gatilhos e nadar nele até o final, correndo o risco de se afogar nas próprias lágrimas.
I thought of this film immediately after finishing the first season of Thirteen Reasons Why. I think had it been released now, it would've had a lot of discourse instead of the constant comparisons it got to Elephant back in 2006.
Considering this film starred a bunch of very green teenagers, I thought they did a great job acting wise. The director makes some questionable choices (like a very gratuitous rape scene that did not belong) but overall I found this to be very sad and it has an ending that even years later, I'm still thinking about.
This film made me feel so empty
I could only find it with a Russian voice over that was delayed by like 3 seconds with very quiet English so it wasn’t as enjoyable but I don’t regret watching it 😊
Seriously? ZzZzZzzzZz
to say i'm a mess right now is an understatement. good god that was tragic to watch. at least xavier samuel was there to help me through it.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Es un remake malo de elephant.
Te meten escenas explícitas de abuso y suicidio innecesarias solo para generar shock, el nerd forro queda impune y todas las historias del resto de personajes quedan sin resolver.